We know the importance of maintaining quality data on every single campaign that we carry out for our clients. Your mailing campaign will only be successful if the data files used in the process are up-to-date and free from errors. Character Mailing provide professional, quality data management and Data Sortation with processing services that will ensure that any client data we use is fully optimised and fit for purpose. The data is analysed at a very early stage in any client campaign to identify any problems, allowing sufficient time to rectify these errors which in turn, will lead to a successful and more profitable mailing campaign.

We use the very latest state of the art software and data sources which enable us to achieve the most cost effective postage methods by screening your data against Post Office Address File verification (PAF).

We then make any required changes to the data such as removing duplicate entries, obsolete data and where personal data is concerned – for a small fee, we can ensure that all entries comply with the Data Protection Act by checking each entry against Mailing Preference Files.

Character Mailing treats any data supplied by our clients with the strictest confidentiality and security; all data is stored on secure servers and is only accessed by our authorised staff. Our server is backed up on a regular basis and as a precaution; this includes offsite backups to ensure no data loss. Any obsolete data is destroyed using complex, secure “shredding” software to ensure that it will not be accessed by any third parties once it has served its purpose.

Variable Data Printing

Variable Data Printing [or VDP] is changing the way that businesses are communicating with their clients and staff – our system is at the cutting edge of technology combining data and printed marketing collateral together with outstanding results.

Variable Data Printing allows for multiple changes to be made to text files, images, statistics and other digital objects during the printing process. VDP creates bespoke documents for individual customers and offers clients a degree of personalisation designed to increase response rates and relevance.

Character Mailing is at the forefront of VDP, investing in the most advanced digital printers and experienced technical personnel so that everything from design and data management to printing and mailing can be provided as a complete service.

Variable Data Printing is changing the way that businesses are communicating with their clients and staff – our system is at the cutting edge of technology combining data and printed marketing collateral together with outstanding results.

Variable Data Printing allows for multiple changes to be made to text files, images, statistics and other digital objects during the printing process. VDP creates bespoke documents for individual customers and offers clients a degree of personalisation designed increase response rates and relevance.

Character Mailing has been at the forefront of VDP, investing in the most advanced digital printers and experienced technical personnel so that everything from design and data management to printing and mailing can be provided as a complete service.

Next: Direct Mailing Services