ISO 9001:2015

Character Mailing management is committed to its Quality Policy as part of its day to day running of its business. To ensure that this policy is clearly defined, understood and effectively implemented at all stages of the company’s operations, a documented quality system has been developed to comply with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. All the company’s procedures outlined in this documented quality system are designed to be relevant to the expectations and the needs of its customers and as a result all procedures are regularly reviewed, quality objectives set and monitored as part of the company’s ongoing commitment to a continuous improvement programme.

ISO 14001:2015

Character Mailing acknowledges the environmental implications of its activities and carries out all operations with the intention of achieving a high standard of environmental, health and safety care. The company fully recognises its duty with regards to compliance with relevant environmental legislation standards and regulations and is committed to a policy of continuous improvement and pollution prevention. This commitment is inherent in the company’s ISO 14001:2015 accreditation.

ISO 27001

The company are currently working towards achieving this additional accreditation to further enhance the service levels offered to its clients.